Gem & AmazingHiring

Learn how to export candidates from AmazingHiring to Gem CRM

If you use Gem as your CRM, you would definitely need to track candidates you find across different sources and export them to your pipeline. You can do it easily with the Gem Extension: install and active it in your browser. 

Here's how it works

Open a full candidate profile in AmazingHiring and then click on the Gem icon on your screen. To export your candidate's info, click "Add Prospect" in the plugin:

Further you'd need to choose the project to which you want to add your candidate:

Fill in all the needed information: First and Last name, Pronouns, Company, Education, Location and add AmazingHiring as a candidate source to easily navigate in your Gem pipeline further:

All is done! Now you can see the profile you found in AmazingHiring in your Gem pipeline and start your outreach campaign:

If any issues come up - please contact us via support chat or just reach to our team at

👆 You’re all caught up