Data privacy has always been one of our main focuses at AmazingHiring. Recently we have started the process of ISO audit and Multi-factor authentication became an obligatory feature for all of our customers. This helps prevent any external users from entering your recruitment team's space and getting their hands on your data.
AmazingHiring will automatically log you out, if the system detects several users entering the same account from different devices or browsers. You will get a notification with further instructions.
If it was you who accidentally opened AmazingHiring from another device, go to your inbox to check get the verification link and restore the access. The link is active only for 5 minutes.
If it wasn't you, we recommend changing the password immediately.
Sometimes this type of messages are sent to Junk mail, don't forget to check it out in case you haven't received your verification letter.
If you are using Outlook and haven't received the verification email, it is possible that our domain got into Spam quarantine. Please check out this instruction and consult with your IT admin to pull us out of it.
You can always request a fresh verification link by clicking "Send me another link" on AmazingHiring main screen.
Please make sure you are opening the verification link in the same browser you would like to use for sourcing further.